
Group: DynoMotion Message: 631 From: aaronkscott Date: 9/4/2010
Subject: is it possible to measure the pwm signal with a oscope on kflop
I have a Kflop with a Kanalog board. I am using Kflop's JP5-1 to try to see a PWM signal for step0 ( configured as step/dir output ), but I don't get any output. I give a velocity of 100 in the console, and see the axis 0 increments. I have tried referencing ground, 3.3V, 5V. Has anyone tried using an oscilloscope to measure see the pwm signal.

I have tried every wire on JP5, checked my cable for continuity, and I am a a total loss as to what is wrong.

Ultimately I would like to connect my servo amp that uses PWM signals to drive my servo's.

Could someone please help?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 632 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/4/2010
Subject: Re: is it possible to measure the pwm signal with a oscope on kflop
You probably need a pull up resistor.  To drive JP5-1 you must configure any axis for OutputChan0=4 or OuputChan0=12.  If you use 4 the pin will be driven in Open Collector mode which will only either sink current to ground or be open circuit.  So if nothing is sourcing current to pull it up, then it will always remain at ground and you wont see anything.  This is the most often used mode when sinking current from opto couplers connected to +5V.
If you set a value of 12 it will drive the same pin but as a 3.3V LVTTL signal (sink to ground, or source from 3.3V).  In this mode you should see something with just a scope connected.
PWM (pulse width modulators) generators are different from Step/Dir generators (KFlop has both) and are connected to JP6 so I'm assuming you meant to say Step/Dir pulses.
I hope this helps

Group: DynoMotion Message: 633 From: aaronkscott Date: 9/4/2010
Subject: Re: is it possible to measure the pwm signal with a oscope on kflop
Thank you very much. I was not paying close enough attention to the documentation, and didn't realized that jp5 starts with step4.

Yes I did mean step/dir and not pwm.

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> You probably need a pull up resistor.  To drive JP5-1 you must configure any
> axis for OutputChan0=4 or OuputChan0=12.  If you use 4 the pin will be driven in
> Open Collector mode which will only either sink current to ground or be open
> circuit.  So if nothing is sourcing current to pull it up, then it will always
> remain at ground and you wont see anything.  This is the most often used mode
> when sinking current from opto couplers connected to +5V.
> If you set a value of 12 it will drive the same pin but as a 3.3V LVTTL signal
> (sink to ground, or source from 3.3V).  In this mode you should see something
> with just a scope connected.
> PWM (pulse width modulators) generators are different from Step/Dir generators
> (KFlop has both) and are connected to JP6 so I'm assuming you meant to say
> Step/Dir pulses.
> I hope this helps
> TK
> ________________________________
> From: aaronkscott <aaronkscott@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sat, September 4, 2010 3:04:31 PM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] is it possible to measure the pwm signal with a oscope on
> kflop
> I have a Kflop with a Kanalog board. I am using Kflop's JP5-1 to try to see a
> PWM signal for step0 ( configured as step/dir output ), but I don't get any
> output. I give a velocity of 100 in the console, and see the axis 0 increments.
> I have tried referencing ground, 3.3V, 5V. Has anyone tried using an
> oscilloscope to measure see the pwm signal.
> I have tried every wire on JP5, checked my cable for continuity, and I am a a
> total loss as to what is wrong.
> Ultimately I would like to connect my servo amp that uses PWM signals to drive
> my servo's.
> Could someone please help?